Momma comes to the city!

This past weekend, my lovely mother graced The Big Apple.

Every day was a day packed with all things NYC–we went to the MOMA, The American Folk Museum, a comedy show, Central Park, Coney Island, Times Square, etc,etc, etc…

Aside from the heat, it was the most enjoyable of times.

Here are a few pictures from the trip:

Momma outside Rockefeller Center

We found Minnie Mouse! (who, judging by the size of his calves, was definitely a man)

Conquering the subway system

Henry Darger piece from the American Folk Museum..Mel would die from happiness here.

Darger--The Vivan Girls from his book "In the Realms of the Unreal"

Giant Jackson Pollock piece

Top of the ferris wheel at Coney Island

She became a champion of the rails

MOMA's beautiful café

Picasso -- "The Kitchen"

Central Park

Central Park--note the couples in the background boating around in the water--beautiful!

Gigantic Hello Kitty we stumbled upon on our way to the big deal.

Not so great picture of comedian DL Hughley. 1 word: hilarious.

That's not the real Statue of Liberty--don't worry

Skunk & chicken playing music in the subway station--Chris: this might be your future.

Neighborhood mural in progress...

View from the top of the ferris wheel

So, the pictures basically tell the story here. We had 4 days of nonstop excitement and finally, some long overdue exhaustion from being on our feet all day. The only detail that may be left out here is the blazing heat we battled daily. From subway platforms to blocks that seemed to go for miles, we braved it all in 90+ degree weather.

Mom was a super trooper, though. She frequently fought back the coveted four-letter word that wanted to burst from her lips. “TAXI!” It seemed like the answer to all of our problems.

All in all, it was a wonderful trip chock full of new experiences and the sweetest of memories.

I miss you already, Momma! Can’t wait to do it again in the fall. Next time, the weather will be much more to our liking.


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Filed under Adventures, Big City Livin', Close to the Heart

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